Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Numbers Don't Lie.

No, this is not a drawing of Christian or Edge of WWF fame.

The title of this post also doesn't relate to the lack of readers I have either but yes I know, the numbers don't lie. No indeed, the title of this post relates to a song by The Mynabirds (and indeed the drawing above is of Laura Burhenn of Mynabird fame) which is taken from their splendid 'What We Lose in The Fire We Gain in the Flood' album that came out earlier in the year on Saddle Creek. The Mynabirds are just one of hundreds of artists that have performed mini sets for Daytrotter and all these sets are available to listen to and/or download for free from the Daytrotter site. A simple rule of thumb to work by is this: if you like the band, they've probably done a Daytrotter session. Personal highlights include The National, Two Gallants, AA Bondy, Josh Ritter, Quasi, Tim Fite. Man, there's just loads. Check out the alphabetical page for proof.

So yeah, just a quick post to say check out Daytrotter if you already don't. It's really an incredible archive of great music from a wide array of musicians of all styles and sorts that is unparalleled anywhere else online. It's even on my roll call of sites that I check on a daily basis and believe me when I tell you that only the best of the best get on that list. Current daily checkers: daytrotter, Hamsters Blog, 101 Ways to Make Money and Justin Bieber Music.

If I had one criticism of daytrotter, it would be that the drawings DT use when posting new sessions are sometimes a bit off. Don't get me wrong here, on the whole they're great and I think that aesthetically the site looks really cohesive but if you see below - Do you know who that is? That's meant to be Adam Haworth Stephens from Two Gallants. To me it's more "So why so serious?" than it is heartworn troubadour, no?

"I'm an agent of chaos."

Oh yeah, and whilst I'm here. The band OK GO. We get it now, okay? We really do. Yes, you're really good at spending ages and ages on really clever viral videos that amass millions of views on youtube, we know and believe me when I say that yes, that's cool. I do, however have one major issue -The tunes are still really dull. I hate to be a boner but d'ya think you could do anything about that me old pals?

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